I finally got around to adding a basic but essential Feature: Movie Ratings. I took awhile, because I added and changed a lot of the code related to a movies quality and success.
Each movie now has three important "scores": Quality, Mass Appeal and Artistic Value.
These three scores are influenced by a lot of variables and stats (Genre, Script, Writer, Actors, Director, Budget).
When a movie is released it get's two ratings, one from movie critics and one from the viewers. The critics rating is influenced more by the artistic value of a movie while the viewer rating depends more on the movies mass appeal. Quality is equally important.
In other news: Work on TV Shows continues. There are still my miles to go, but the "groundwork" is almost done.
These two screenshots look very unspectacular, but code wise they mean a lot. Producing a TV Show is now possible (bare bones though). The next step is writing the code for calculating the success and ratings of a TV show.
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